About the Book
Originally written for families, When He Was Anna is a story told from the point of view of a mother whose youngest child comes out as transgender. Patti’s story provides a much-needed viewpoint in the discourse of gender studies, as it pertains to the psychology of relationships and families.
Add When He Was Anna to reading lists for the following courses of study:
Gender Studies
Abnormal Psychology
Child Pyschology
Social Sciences
Special Topics in Gender Studies
Sociology of Families
To request a review copy, contact patti@authorpattihornstra.com
Purchase Details
Available from IngramSpark and Book Retailers
Price $17.99
ISBN 978-1950306381 (paperback)
Size 5x9
Page Count 220
Formats Available: Paperback, Ebook, Audiobook
Patti Hornstra, Author | patti@authorpattihornstra.com